We recently rebuilt our Peterson BBQ, and it looks great! We must operate and maintain it correctly.

In order to be a user you must first be trained and approved by the PMCo BBQ owner, Rich Bolen. If an employee doesn't have the training, they cannot use the BBQ.

Please download and—familiarize yourself with the manual.

Download Manual

Instructional Videos








Cat Inspect Instructions

  1. Access the “Perform Inspection”
  2. option from the menu bar
  3. Select ”New Inspection” Tab
  4. Select “New Site Inspection” Task
  5. Select Form Type “Site”
  6. Type “BBQ” in Search Filter
  7. Select “Peterson D10 BBQ”
  8. Select Task:
    • D10 BBQ Operation Manual
    • D10 BBQ Pre-Operation Checklist
    • D10 BBQ Post-Operation Checklist

Cat Inspect